
How to display Alice 3, Spanish version


Para ver una versión en español de este documento

(To see a Spanish- Language version of this document)






At this point, your screen should be displayed as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Alice 3 Interactive Development Environment


Set Preferences/Locale

To change the display to Spanish, follow these steps, as illustrated in Figure 2.

    1. Select Windows in the menu bar.

    2. Select Preferences.

    3. Select Locale.

    4. Select Spanish


Figure 2. Selection steps to change the display from English to Spanish


Restart Alice

A popup window, as shown in Figure 3, tells you to exit and restart Alice.
















Figure 3. Click OK button.


Some of the display will immediately change to Spanish. But, to complete the display change, click the Red X button in the upper right of the Alice window, as shown in Figure 4.

















Figure 4. Click X to exit Alice 3


Now, restart Alice 3. You will notice that most information in the display is now in Spanish but some terms and phrases are still in English, as shown in Figures 5 and 6. This is because the translation process is still in progress. Also, it is the case that some terms are keywords in the underlying Java language. Java keywords must remain as defined in Java and may not be translated.















Figure 5. Dialog box – Mostly Spanish, some English





















Figure 6. IDE – mostly Spanish, some English