
Updating Alice

Page history last edited by Wanda 12 years, 5 months ago


Alice 3 is beta software.  That means we are continuing to add features, make improvements and fix bugs.  If you are running an older version of Alice, we recommend you update to the latest release.  You can tell if your copy of Alice is out of date by comparing the version number on the splash screen that appears when Alice starts up to the version on the Alice download page.  If they don't match, your version is out of date.



To update Alice, go to the Alice download page and run it.  The installer will automatically detect whether you have a previous version on your system.  If so, you will be presented with two options -- Install and Uninstall.  Click Install to perform the update.

Depending on how major an update it is, this may take some time.  There is no need for you to uninstall an older version of Alice prior to installing a new one.


Alice 2 cannot be upgraded to Alice 3.  They are completely separate products and run independently of one another.



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