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Alice help

This version was saved 5 years, 9 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Don Slater
on December 22, 2018 at 11:36:29 am

New to Alice?  You've come to the right place.  We'll help you become familiarized with the Alice interface and teach you how to use Alice's rich feature set.  This site is a continual and dynamic work in progress, so if something is missing that you need help with, let us know!


System Requirements


Alice 3


Alice 2





Alice 3


Download and Install Alice 3


Getting Started with Alice 3


Alice 3 and Java


Alice 3 and Internationalization 








Alice 3 License



Alice 2


Download and Install Alice 2


Alice 2 and Internatialization








Alice 2 License






Alice 2 Curriculum Mapping

This document contains two components:

      • Curriculum Map (In table format) which maps typical Alice curriculum topics and example programming exercises to well known curricula & pedagogy. 
      • Typical Alice 2 Course Outline  


The Alice Suite 

A brief overview of the development and philosophy behind the tools that are part of the Alice Suite 


The Alice Sound Library

This entire library of Alice sounds for both Alice 2.x and 3.x was created by members of the Alice project. This library of sounds was created by members of the Alice project, royalty free resources to be used for educational and recreational uses in Alice 2.x and Alice 3.x.





Go to Alice.org home page




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